Jul 14, 2023 | Adam Broome | 1179 views
Year End BBQ & Swim
We can't believe that we are over halfway through the ball
season and for our younger players, there are only a few weeks left! That
being said, we would like to invite everyone to mark their calendars for our
Year End BBQ and Swim. Wednesday, August 23, 2023 is the date at
the Seaforth Lions Park. There will be a free BBQ and Swim for all of our
Wolverine families. We also hope to have a ball game between our U15's
and the Wolverines Coaches/Executive.
5:00-7:00 - BBQ at the pavilion
6:00-8:00 - Free Swim
TBD - Ball Game
This is sure to be a fun event and we can't wait to see you
Seaforth Wolverines Minor Baseball Executive