2021 Season Update - May 17, 2021, News (Seaforth Minor Baseball)

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May 17, 2021 | amacdonald | 1225 views
2021 Season Update - May 17, 2021
Seaforth Minor Baseball would like to thank all parents, players and coaches for being optimistic and waiting along with us through this latest lockdown. As I am sure you have heard, Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, has extended the stay at home order until at least June 2, 2021.

Seaforth Minor Baseball executive has been working towards designing a plan for the 2021 season, i
f/when we received approval from the Province of Ontario. Our "Return to Play Guideline" has been submitted and is waiting review from the Huron Perth Health Unit. This guideline shows what steps will be taken with regards to Covid-19 protocol to keep all players, coaches and our community safe while still being able to play the sport we all love. 

Seaforth Minor Baseball normally play within three different leagues: Perth, Tri-County and Huron/Perth. Unfortunately, all leagues have decided not to organize a season including all centers. However, each center on their own is able to organize with other centers to create "pods" to play in. A "pod" can be made up of a total of 50 players. (Example: if Seaforth Squirt team has 10 players they could play games  against up to 4 other centers who each have 10 players, for a total of 50 players.) This is the direction that Seaforth is using to organize a season.

The information we receive and take into consideration when planning is ever changing. While we do not have all the answers, here are some of the plans that we hope to implement once we receive the OK from the health unit and the Province: 

- We hope is to have practices for the month of June and start to have games in July.  
- We hope to run an outdoor pitching clinic in June.
- T-ball level will gather one night a week to introduce softball skills and drills.
- The "pods"  for the U8 and U10 groups will consist of only Seaforth teams. We currently have enough players to make 3 teams at both the U8 and U10 levels. All practices and games would be played in Seaforth against other Seaforth teams at the same level. 
- Our Squirt and Peewee levels; we have been communicating with other centers about setting up "pods". At this time we are awaiting information from surrounding centers. Once we know more we will keep you posted.

The well-being of all players, coaches and umpires is our number one priority. One requirement that has remained constant in all communications with the province and health unit is; All players, coaches, assistant coaches and parents at the diamond are required to wear a mask at all times both on and off the field.

If you have questions about this upcoming season, please reach out to one of the executive members.
All contact information is on our website: www.seaforthwolverines.com

Please continue to watch our website for the most up-to-date information.

Thanks, Seaforth Minor Baseball Executive
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