Jun 11, 2020 | amacdonald | 981 views
2020 Season Cancelled - Update
2020 Softball Season - Cancelled
Seaforth Minor Baseball would like to thank all parents, players and coaches for being optimistic and waiting along with us through this pandemic and hoping that the 2020 season could move forward. COVID-19 has been challenging for all in many ways. It made the future of the 2020 softball season very unknown for all of us.
The well-being of all players, coaches and umpires is our number one priority. With direction from our leagues and Softball Ontario, the executive of Seaforth Minor Baseball has come to the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 season. Although, this is not an easy decision to make, we feel that it is the right one to ensure everyone's safety.
All registrations for this season will be moved to the 2021 season along with payments. If your child changes age group levels, the cost difference will be waved if payment is carried over until next year.
If you would like a refund for this year's fees, please contact Amanda MacDonald by e-mail at seaforthwolverines@gmail.com
Please have a safe and healthy summer with your families!
Executive of Seaforth Minor Baseball