Jun 01, 2020 | amacdonald | 987 views
Softball Ontario - Update
This is the latest news from Softball Ontario:
Softball Ontario will be extending the current suspension of all activities including clinics until June 14, 2020.
COVID-19 Update: 1st June 2020/in Latest News, OASA, ORSA, PWSA, SO /by Softball Ontario.
In response to the government of Ontario’s declaration of a state of emergency, for the protection of our employees and their loved ones, valued Members, suppliers and those who share our office environment, Softball Ontario will be extending the current suspension of office operations and all activities including clinics until June 14, 2020.
Softball Ontario will re-evaluate circumstances based on a two week time period.
We thank everyone for their understanding and support as we navigate through this very tough and challenging time for all.
Yours in Softball, Board of Directors and the Staff of Softball Ontario